Public Services
Phone (760) 355-2155
After Hours Assistance Emergency Assistance
Phone: (760) 355-1158
Facility Locations:
City Shop & Wastewater Treatment Plant
701 E. 14th Street
Imperial, CA 92251
Water Treatment Plant
201 S ‘B’ Street
Imperial, CA 92251
City Hall – Open to the Public
420 S Imperial Avenue
Imperial, CA 92251
Mon-Fri | 8am to 5pm

Public Services Director David Dale
David Dale was appointed as the Public Services Director for the City of Imperial in April 2024. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1999 from Cal Poly Pomona. Immediately after graduating, David moved to Imperial County and went to work in the Civil Engineering field. He earned his license as a Professional Civil Engineer in 2002 and his Professional Land Surveyor license in 2009.
He has a wide array of 25 years of experience as a consultant and in the public sector in all aspects of city infrastructure – including engineering reports, design and construction of water treatment plant and distribution systems, water wells, sewer treatment plants, pumping and collection systems, streets, parks, airports, developments, subdivisions and more. He is familiar with Capital Improvement Programs (CIP), has prepared rate studies and completed multiple Proposition 218 processes, revised municipal codes, and prepared municipal budgeting.
David said, “My goals are to be proactive and provide the best and most efficient infrastructure as possible for the citizens and businesses of the City of Imperial, to create opportunities for businesses to locate to the city, create the best work place and to be available and to respond positively to any concerns from the residents, businesses, City Council, and staff.”
“Give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths” – Epictetus