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Welcome to the City of Imperial’s Municipal Election webpage.

The City of Imperial is a General Law City. The conduct of elections for General Law cities is established by the State of California Elections Code and may be supplemented by City rules and regulations, such as campaign ordinances. The City’s General Municipal elections are held in November of even-numbered years.  Other special elections may be called from time to time by the City Council. City  Council members are elected at-large for a four-year term. The Council members serve staggered terms, i.e. two or three seats are open each election cycle. The office of the City Clerk is also an elected position for a four-year term. The positions of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore are ceremonial in nature and not directly elected. The City Council selects the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore amongst themselves and the positions typically serve a calendar year.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of Imperial on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for:

Two (2) members of the City Council for full terms of four (4) years.

The nomination period for these offices begins July 15, 2024, and closes on August 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Nomination packets may be picked up at the City Clerk’s Office, 420 S Imperial Avenue, by appointment only. You may set up an appointment by calling (760) 457-7088 or (760) 355-3334 or by email If nomination papers for an incumbent officer of the City are not filed by August 9, 2024, (the 88th day before the election) the voters shall have until the 83rd day before the election, August 14, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., to nominate candidates other than the person(s) who are the incumbents on the 88th day before the election, for that incumbent’s elective office. This extension is not applicable where there is no incumbent eligible to be elected.

If no one or only one person is nominated for an elective office, appointment to the elective office may be made as prescribed by Section 10229, Elections Code of the State of California.

The polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Dated:  July 1, 2024            

City of Imperial


SE NOTIFICA POR LA PRESENTE se realizará una Elección General Municipal en la Ciudad de Imperial, el martes, 5, de noviembre de 2024 para:

Dos (2) miembros del Concilio de la Ciudad por términos de cuatro (4) años.

El período de nominación para estos cargos comienza el 15 de julio de 2024 y cierra el 9 de agosto de 2024 a las 5:00 p.m. Los paquetes de nominación se pueden recoger en la Oficina de la Secretaria Municipal de la Ciudad, 420 S Imperial Avenue, solo con cita previa. Puede programar una cita llamando al (760) 457-7088 o (760) 355-3334 o enviando un correo electrónico a Si los documentos de nominación para un funcionario titular de la Ciudad no se presentan antes del 9 de agosto de 2024 (el día 88 antes de la elección), los votantes tendrán hasta el día 83 antes de la elección, el 14 de agosto de 2024, a las 5:00 p.m., para nominar candidatos que no sean la(s) persona(s) titular(es) el día 88 antes de la elección, para el cargo electivo de ese titular.

Si nadie o sólo una persona es nominada para un cargo electo, el nombramiento para el cargo electo puede hacerse según lo estipulado por § 10229, Código Electoral del estado de California.

Los centros electorales estarán abiertos entre las 7:00 a.m. y 8:00 p.m.

Fechado: 1 de julio de 2024

KRISTINA SHIELDS, Secretaría Municipal
Ciudad de Imperial



To be eligible to run for office, a candidate must be 18 years of age, and a registered voter in the City of Imperial at their current address.

The City of Imperial’s next election will be Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The election will include two City Council seats – Robert Amparano and Katie Burnworth.

Filing obligations

Candidates who intend to file nomination papers may incur filing obligations prior to the nomination period.

Form 501 – Candidate Intention Statement – must be filed before soliciting or receiving any contributions or before making expenditures on behalf of a candidacy.

Polling Places

Polling place information can be obtained by contacting the Imperial County Election Department.  

Become a Poll Worker

Poll workers are needed to set up the polls, provide assistance to voters, and conduct poll closing procedures.  If you are interested in becoming a poll worker for this election, please contact the Imperial County Election Department.

Temporary Political Signs [pdf]





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The City of Imperial strives to be an economically vibrant and culturally rich community with a strong sense of identity, pride and prosperity. It's the people, it's the place. Welcome home.

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